Sorry to hear about this, hope the campaign goes well and you manage to get back up and running soon!
Age 28, Human
Not sure
Joined on 3/16/14
Sorry to hear about this, hope the campaign goes well and you manage to get back up and running soon!
thank you Tom! also appreciate you donating <3 god bless you and this website man
Everyone gets robbed sooner or later.It's inevitable.Now you don't have to worry about being robbed again because you know better now, right?
I'm hoping maintenance listens and replaces our locks and add security cameras, from now on my expensive items are staying at home
My only wish is that gofundme had a paypal option(and also that you weren't robbed in the first place)
I feel the same way my dude
thats shit dog. I'll throw some bucks ur way
bless your heart
Sucks man, you didn't deserve that. Hope you get enough help.
I appreciate it man
Man that sucks. :/ Hope you get enough to get going again. Best case scenario they actually catch that thief and you get back your original stuff too.
I'm hoping so, the police told us there's not a lot they can do bc neither us or our neighbors had cameras installed when it happened, but who knows they could be caught later and all of my stuff could be taken back
Really wish I could donate, but I’m broke.
Thats totally okay! No worries at all. :)
Fingers crossed! Also comes to mind maybe there's some way you could track some of your equipment, any backup program or similar you've been using with a location feature built in? Like Backlbaze? Or anything wireless. There may be ways...
One month ago someone stole my bike. I got so mad,not only because I lost my bike, I was mad because someone was evil enought to get to my garden and steal something like "omg free stuff"
I hope my robber gets hit by a car while driving my bike,and I hope your robber get his karma soon
What a incredible world
PD:bad grammar
I'm a little late but I'm praying for ya man.
Stay strong